I'll be truly glad when Saturday is over. The last few weeks have been spent in a bit of a tizz, doing bits and bobs here, and dithering and swithering there, having ideas, throwing them out, trying them anyway, declaring them a waste of time, all with the vague feeling that it'll all be over in a flash, and then the real Christmas will be here to panic about.
I didn't get as many of the monster ornaments done as I had planned. Might be a good thing... not sure how popular they'll be. I'm pretty chuffed with the gocco-printed cards that happened, once again in conjunction with Sharon. I've still got some of the packaging to sort out, and then keep my fingers crossed that people will be in a bit more of a spending mood than last year.
Meanwhile, Nils is slowly being introduced to the idea of Advent calendars and Christmas baking, the latter catching on pretty fast.

Ich drücke dir die Daumen für Dienstag. Die Karten sind mal wieder ein Sahnestückchen.
:^) danke! bin selbst ganz zufrieden mit den karten.
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