Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Stuffie challenge

Things are busy busy busy round here, so of course I had to accidentally create more work for myself. I can't even begin to tell you how much I'm looking forward to Christmas, for everything will [have to] be done by then!

So, I seem to be getting into free-hand monster making these days. It started with this one:
Next step: Make into stuffie

I doodled, then I made a monster out of it. The results of this particular one I already posted in my last post.

Next up was this one:

Stuffie Challenge No 2 Stuffie challenge No. 2

And the latest one got finished just now:

I'm really enjoying these. I tried to recreate the first one, but it didn't really turn out right, and it's kinda fun making one-offs anyways. And to top it all off, I actually managed to sell the first little guy at the market on Sunday, wheee!

The two latest fellers shall be included in the Craft Reactor Showcase Exhibition, which opens on Thursday, 16 December. Come see!


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