Monday, May 11, 2009

Will it ever end?

CD cover illustration

I've been spending a bit too much time with Photoshop recently. This is the aforementioned Happy Hitler illustration, even though I've looked at it for so long now that it doesn't look like Hitler to me anymore.

I went to the cinema for the second time in three days today! Wooot! Finally got round to see Coraline, and suddenly a lot of stuff I've been seeing in the swap made sense. I thought it was absolutely amazingly well done, even though it's very different from the story in the book.


Anonymous said...

Oh ho ho--my goodness...
Happy Hitler is simultaneously awful and wonderful--I LOVE it! It definitely does look like him, you must just need a break from looking at it...
I've been spending too much time in Photoshop myself lately--and I keep debating, should I spend *more* time with it, so I get better at it, or *less* time, so I can get better at real-life painting, you know? It's a quandary!

King Carmen said...

Hi Dora - I know what you mean about HH - the fear of appearing not to take this particular part of history seriously is so deeply ingrained in me, and yet my rebellious side wants to fill the world with tiny colourful swastikas, because it needs to be done.

The other day, the idea came to me to put this on a t-shirt for my kid and I almost fainted... But wouldn't it be fun? To have a series of kid's tees with, say, Happy Hitler, and oh, I don't know... Potty Pol Pot? Stinky Stalin?