Friday, August 28, 2009

Domestic god in the making

Yesterday, Nils insisted on reading the Craft: Blog with me (as in, I insisted on reading it and he insisted on sitting on my lap whilst I did so...). Then we came across this, and he exclaimed 'I want a kitchen!', so who was I to argue.

Mine was way cheaper than $10. Given that it's made out of two cardboard boxes (which came 'free' as packaging), an old ice cream tub (ditto), some found cardboard and buttons, and string which I got from my mum, it probably cost me about a quid for sticky tape and 50p for the yarn used to crochet the tap.

Nils immediately went on to make a delicious imaginary strawberry cake, followed by some button soup. Then he turned it on its side and used it as a garage for his cars! Jack of all trades, that one.

I'm mostly excited because it's a good excuse to buy one of them miniature kids' cooking sets from IKEA.


Rochelle said...

What a fantastic idea, he is going to get so much use out of it. swapbot-stampkrl

PostcardNerd said...

This is great. I'm finding it hard to resist making one and I have no children :)

This reminds me of the gross food concoctions I came up with as a child sans cardboard kitchen. I vaguely recall ice cream soup and cracker sandwiches both of which involve semi-regurgitated, I just answered all the questions I've had in therapy for years. Thanks! lol

