Saturday, October 03, 2009

What I did during my holidays

Once again, we're back from Germany. Once again, it was lovely, but too short. Oh well. At least this time, we got stuff done. We had a timetable and everything. The German efficiency jokes have all been done already.

Craft-wise, I got pretty busy just beforehand. I made a last-minute baby quilt, which was super quick, as quilts go, and well received for a pregnant friend. Once again, however, it made me decide to leave the quilting to other people. We'll see how long it lasts...

Baby quilt

After the very enjoyable day we spent with our friends in Heringen, I managed to drag my mum first through a hedge backwards, literally, on the hunt for rosehips, and then back to the local antique shop. I lucked out on both occasions, finding oodles of rosehips, as well as an entire mini tree full of these lovely little plums which I know as Marillen, even though the dictionary sez Marillen are apricots. Jam-making ensued.

At the antique place, I made a bee line for the lace, which I'd looked at last time, but stopped myself from buying, which I promptly regretted. Everything was still there, which was probably also the reason why I ended up getting it 5 Euros cheaper than the price tag said. As with the fabric I'd bought there previously, it turned out to be way more than I expected, getting me a whole 13 meters of vintage lace for 10 Euros - YAY!

The little polka-dot ribbon was just too cute to resist. I probably won't ever be able to get myself to use it for anything, though...

I'm also continuing to inherit bags and bags and bags of craft materials from an old friend of my gran's, who's decided to clean out her stash. I got two bin-liners full of lace, this time! I think I seriously need to go away and contemplate storage solutions.

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